Sterile Processing Technician (Trainee)

70 Years old, by far the oldest person sitting in a room of 27, waiting for a chance to apply for a job sterilizing medical/surgical equipment (entry level) at a currently unknown salary, working who knows how many hours a week, at a yet-to-be-determined location.

There are another 12-15 souls in the foyer who are also waiting ahead of me for an interview.  In the past 5 minutes only two names have been called for whatever is the next step in the process, and 6 more applicants have arrived, so it looks like it could be a bit of a wait at this point (unless a miracle happens, which, of course, I am always open to.)

As tempus fugits  (what’s the Latin word for “crawls at a snail’s pace”) I have ample time to consider the finer points of my job search here today, to whit:  Do I really want to invest this much time seeking a job I heard of for the first time just a week ago and about which I know precious little?  Knowing what I do know about this job, do I really want to risk getting cut, pricked, or otherwise exposed to some, possibly, deadly disease that someone else clearly sought treatment to rid him/herself of?  How do I convince my interviewer that, of the 50 or so (so far) other eager applicants, I am the one — I, the guy with the gray goatee (albeit the most handsome guy in the room) am the one he/she should risk his/her career to hire?  What if this job is really shitty?  Given all the above, how much time am I willing to spend waiting here before I blow this joint and get on with my day?  (On a related note, do I have anything better/more important to do if I do leave?)

(Another 15 minutes of my life have passed/expired since the last name was called.  Getting on with my day is looking more and more like an attractive option.)

More questions arise as I continue my vigil:  What are the odds that I can beat out the (now) 60 other candidates for this position?  Even though this process is a font of valuable insights, do I yet have sufficient material for a decent blog (this being the end of my second page of handwritten blather)?

Decision made for me: I was supposed to fill out an on-line application before coming for an interview — I can’t be interviewed without it.  (Who knew?)

It was probably  a shitty job anyway.


Author: olhicur22

Old Hippie Curmudgeon. Age: Old. Married (long & very happy). Navy brat; grew up (4th grade to 1 semester at Lamar Tech) in Beaumont, TX. Lived also in: Houston, San Francisco/Santa Rosa/Sebastopol/San Diego, CA; Boulder, CO (briefly, while thumbing around the southwest in 1976); Hawi, HI; Dallas. US Navy (Viet Nam era; served as nuclear reactor operator aboard USS Enterprise CVAN 65; honorably discharged); BA in Business Admin.; Occupation: assorted; Likes: the 3 R's (ask your grandma), the outdoors, the indoors, cross country road trips, classic rock, 12 year old Scotch, George Carlin, Red Skelton, Mel Brooks, "Blazing Saddles", fixin' things; Don't Likes: oppression, greed, senseless violence, injustice, racism, that thing my wife does sometimes; Favorite Color: Purple-ish; Bucket List: travel Europe, see the Northern Lights, learn to surf well (ride and slash the face of the wave), be really, really IN LOVE with my wife; be ALIVE until I die.

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